How I automatically deploy my personal website

24年 9月 26日 Thursday
114 words
1 minutes

Make your workflow more convenient!


cd ~/software/my-code/personal-website &&
pnpm run build &&
scp -r ./dist serper:~/dist &&
ssh serper "rm -rvf ~/personal-web && mv -v ~/dist ~/personal-web"

note that serper is configured on ~/.ssh/config file, see this post for how to configure it.

It's pretty simple script, if you have any suggestion, please leave a constructive comments ^^

I execute the script manually through a terminal, you might ask: "why not trigger it automatically on git hook or github CI/CD pipeline?" well... sometimes I don't want to auto build when commit or push changes to remote repository, and it's more convenient for me presonally to do it manually :)

You can fork the site from this github repository

Title:How I automatically deploy my personal website


Link: [copy]

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