How to setup OpenSSH server on Windows

24年 9月 26日 Thursday (edited)
301 words
2 minutes

Background story

I want to access my laptop remotely through SSH. However, my laptop are firewalled on strict network environment, I can't even access and to download the MSYS2 installer that are hosted on github, I need to download from different network, upload it to gdrive and finally I can download the installer through gdrive, you can imagine how troublesome it is. Therefore I need tailscale to overcome this situation.

Choose the OpenSSH server

The OpenSSH server I installed are provided by MSYS2, while there's Windows version available out there, I choose this one because I have two reason:

  1. somehow I can't install the Windows version, it's always failed when I install it
  2. the MSYS2 version provide unix environment that could be useful for me personally

Setup OpenSSH server

My C:\msys64\etc\ssh\sshd_config file (I've omitted default config for the sake of brevity):

# Logging
#SyslogFacility AUTH
#LogLevel INFO
LogLevel DEBUG3
SyslogFacility LOCAL0

StrictModes no

PubkeyAuthentication yes

# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!
PasswordAuthentication no
#PermitEmptyPasswords no

Match Group administrators
       AuthorizedKeysFile ".ssh/authorized_keys"

Logging is super useful if you encounter any problem while attempting to connect to your machine.

in case you don't know how to generate a pair of key for authentication, visit this post.

  • validate the authorized_keys by exec ssh-keygen -l -f <path-to-authorized_keys>
  • validate sshd service are running properly by check the log: /var/log/msys2_sshd.log and check the status: sc.exe query msys2_sshd
  • for debugging purposes: tail -n 1 /var/log/msys2_sshd.log
  • The authentication method I used is public key-based authentication, remember to setup the authorized_keys on MSYS2 environment (in my case C:\msys64\home\ACER).
  • You need to run the bash script script as administrator/root, it will setup sshd service and automatically start on boot.
  • By default, tailscale will auto start on boot, you can verify this by execute ipconfig on cmd and see whether tailscale interface is exist or not.
  • See the respective manual page for further explanation.

Title:How to setup OpenSSH server on Windows


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