I use neovim btw.

24年 10月 16日 Wednesday
118 words
1 minutes

I use neovim as default editor, tho sometimes used vscode :P

it will make you very efficient and productive if and only if you've been used into it.

TL;DR this post cover most common usage pattern in my personal workflow while editing code with neovim.

pipe command output to new buffer

sometimes you want to search some text from the command's result but it will gone when you press enter, to prevent that you can pipe it to new buffer:


and don't forget to unload the new buffer from memory when you've done with it by using :bd

I often use this when I want to execute scriptnames or se!.


for default color scheme, I prefer vim-like rather than newly introduced neovim color scheme.

:colorscheme vim

Title:I use neovim btw.


Link:https://www.reyuki.site/posts/i-use-neovim-btw [copy]

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