I use st and bash btw.

24年 10月 16日 Wednesday (edited)
289 words
2 minutes

st — minimalist and simple terminal

if you want to extend the terminal feature, it's your job to apply or make some patch :P

you have to put set enable-keypad on in the .inputrc file to make the del key work. it's mentioned on the st FAQ page.

bash — most widely used shell

leveraging bash history

organize the history

to make the bash history well structured and organized, you need to maintain it by removing any duplicate and less significant command from the history, this can be achieved by set HISTCONTROL to ignoreboth:erasedups.

learn more about those behaviour on unix stackexchange.

search a command

reuse command by search it through history using <ctrl+r> and <ctrl+s> for backward and forward respectively, keep in mind that you need to add stty -ixon to your .basrch file to enable forward search

read the friendly manual (RTFM)

help -m <some-keyword> | less stackoverflow comment

utility program written in bash script

you can see the collection of script (not limited to only bash) in the appropriate repository.


see the bash tag to find more about some interesting stuff related to bash!

tmux — a terminal multiplexer

you want to run multiple command that ran on terminal but do not want to spawn new terminal? tmux is the solution with nice layout management.

and in case, for some reason you lost your Xorg connection or ssh connection, rest assured! the terminal still connected and left intact :)

some features that aren't default but required for my workflow is:

  • mode-keys
  • set-titles

also, if you often use multiple pane and want to copy some text, it would be useful to define a keybind by put bind -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe 'xclip -in -selection clipboard' in the .tmux.conf file

if the config doesn't applied, you may want to restart the tmux session.

see also the tmux cheat sheet.

Title:I use st and bash btw.


Link:https://www.reyuki.site/posts/i-use-st-and-bash-btw [copy]

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