Automate edit file with unix

24年 10月 9日 Wednesday
164 words
1 minutes

What's happening?

I migrate to disqus from waline and need to perform automation to add uuid automatically to each file in specified directory.

The problem

Things went wrong, and I didn't immediately recognize the issue. I failed to notice that the UUID wasn't unique, which caused the comment to persist across multiple pages.

find src/content/posts/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec sed -i "0,/---/{/---/a\\
id: '$(node -pe "require('uuid').v4()")'
}" {} \;

The solution

To avoid bash expansion and force find command to re-exec node, I need to put the sed into a bash script file


sed -i "0,/---/{/---/a\\
id: '$(node -pe "require('uuid').v4()")'
}" $1

chmod it and pass it to -exec

The conclusion

Fortunately, thanks to clean commit (each commit do one things), I can revert without facing merge conflict or losing other not-related changes.

git revert --no-commit <commit-id>

more explanation on stackoverflow.


by the way, someone on IRC tell me: if your main operating system is linux, you can use uuidgen command instead of node, or just read it directly from /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid, very neat huh? :)

Title:Automate edit file with unix


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