Manipulate image with stb_image library

24年 10月 8日 Tuesday (edited)
113 words
1 minutes

The main idea is to learn how to manipulate image with C.

Topic covered

  • my personal experience about problem solving and IRC channel on libera really helped me when I struggle :)
  • pointer stuff (dereferencing, arithmatic)
  • flat array manipulation
  • find a possibilities of color combination by applying the concept of permutation using bitmask!
  • general control flow
  • stb_image library

The code


The original image: Original Image

Screenshot of generated images (256*6 = 1536 in total): Edited Image

The sephia version: Sephia Image

Lesson learned

Our eyes can see a bunch of colors, but it is merely a combination of three primary colors that trick our senses. This illustrates a simple pattern that can generate a million possible combinations, and can you imagine how wonderful it is?

Title:Manipulate image with stb_image library


Link: [copy]

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