How I access my website through SSH

24年 9月 26日 Thursday
132 words
1 minutes

Why bother doing all these stuff?

if you have sensitive website that provide top-secret confidential data, you might want to hide it from everyone on the Internet! in my case, I have cockpit dashboard and want to access it remotely, so I tunnel it through ssh.

ssh -N -C -L 8080: user@addr -p <ssh_port_number>

a brief explanation:

  • 8080 is the local port on your machine
  • 9090 is the remote port on your server
  • ssh_port_number is self-explanatory, you don't need to specify it if it's default, I need to determine the port because I access ssh through ngrok
  • see the rest explanation of argument on ssh(1)

congratulations! you can now access your website securely on your laptop or smart phone (if android, use termux)

just FYI, I also have discuss it on cloudflare forum, you can read the thread if you're interested.

Title:How I access my website through SSH


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